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Steve Hofstetter's Hatemail


Dear Steve,

"I wanted to say that you are a close-minded simp whose attempts to mask his hatred and ignorance behind a veil of pseudo-hyper-patriotism fall flat on those who do not let the political rhetoric of others dictate their personal belief system."

Wow. Could you be any wordier?

I hope you are proud of your tirade. Yup, you're just as smart as you insist you are. I wonder how long it took you to write that e-mail, and how many times you went over it. I'm guessing 32 minutes and four times.

Let me sum up your email without the rambling:

"My name is Steve and I like to ramble just as much as the next guy if by using big words I can sound smarter than the victim of my letter."

See how I did all that in one small sentence? Now that we're on the same page, why didn't you just say that instead of giving people the idea that you are fickle?

Let me explain what happened to you. Something in your life hurt you. After that, you began posting hatemail in order to feel better, but you were so upset that you ended up building upon your rage instead. So you reposted them and commented all about how you had a problem with the original posters. Well, Steve, guess what? Your problem is with you.*

Let me know if this was an adequate response to your hatemail postings.

P.S. You actually are just as not- funny as everyone says you are.

P.P.S. And ugly too.

*P.P.P.S. Not that it matters, (which it doesn't, no judgments here) but you're also probably gay, judging from how adamantly you deny the claims.



Dear Jason,

You call me wordy. Yet I was able to make my point in 41 words. Your email was six times as long. What you call wordy, educated people call being articulate – the very opposite of wordy. This and my original email combine to equal the length of yours, but I'M the wordy one.

Big words, huh? Where'd I lose you? "Simp"? "Pseudo"? Or perhaps "rhetoric"? That one has three whole syllables. Maybe I'll use the word "watermelon" and really blow your mind.

You think you're clever by using versions of my own responses against me. Good move - you seem to hate me, yet spent your time reading my entire hatemail archive.

And I don't mind if people think I'm gay. Maybe that will help me get chicks. But as for your assertion that anyone who denies they are something is something, let me say that you are a self-aggrandizing moron who has nothing better to do with his time than read the words of someone he doesn't find funny. Go ahead and deny it, captain logic.

There are plenty of people out there smarter than me, but you, sir, are not one of them.



*A Pussy (YouTube)
*Your Friends (YouTube)
*Step Child (YouTube)
*Dumb Mofo
*World of Warcraft (YouTube)
*A good sharp one line put down (YouTube)
*Proud of yourself (YouTube)
*Not? (YouTube)
*Genuinely pissed (YouTube)
*Right off the stage (YouTube)
*This was absolutely staged (YouTube)
*Stupid (YouTube)
*Balls (YouTube)
*Loser (YouTube)
*Proudest comedy moment (YouTube)
*Such a dick (YouTube)
*Sucked ass (YouTube)
*Audience interaction (YouTube)
*A fart in an elevator (YouTube)
*Douchey firecrotch bitch (YouTube)
*You're not that funny (YouTube)
*He will never make it anywhere (YouTube)
*Illegal Immigration (YouTube)
*I Will Pray For You
*Sociopathic, Hate-Filled Monologue
*Your Job
*Response to Cure for the Cable Guy (39)
*Your True Heritage
*One Sentence of Material
*Decimation of Our Language
*Response to Open Letter to Appalachian State
*Response to My Question to Madeline Albright
*Response to My Appalachian State Video (2)
*Response to my Appalachian State Video
*Your a gay nerd.
*Comedian Todd Lynn Responds to My YouTube Reel
*Response to Cure For the Cable Guy (38)
*One more time
*You Stink
*Wanna Be Comic
*That Was Used To Beat Me
*Got a Response (Frankie & Ivan II)
*120 Days, 2880 Hours
*A Lit Cigarette
*Die Slowly
*Gun and a Bullet
*Go Get Head
*You Know?
*You Filthy N****
*Are you horny?
*You're Disturbing
*I Wann Fight U
*New Occupation
*Commie Bastard
*No One's Bitch
*Get Bent
*U r gay....
*Ugly Peopels
*Lame Ass Hell
*Gay As
*Kill Yourself
*Crapped in Your Face
*Response to Cure for the Cable Guy (37)
*Sieg Heil
*Response to My Response
*Spelling Mistake
*Response to Holocaust Museum Charity Fundraiser
*F U A
*You Are a Fake
*Response to Cure for the Cable Guy (36)
*Hatemail About Hatemail
*You Aren't Funny
*Yankee Fan
*The Phoniest Asshole Ever?
*I'm Ashamed to Be Jewish
*I Pray You Get Cancer
*I Don't Like You
*Response to Cure for the Cable Guy (35)
*Your Ugly!!!
*Response to Cure for the Cable Guy (34)
*Get Head
*Response to My Post On Random Bands (3)
*Response to My Post On Random Bands (2)
*Was that supposed to be funny?
*Ur Ugly Ass
*Emo Faggot
*Response to My Post On Random Bands
*Response to Cure for the Cable Guy (33)
*Response to Steve Irwin Post (From a Larry Fan!)
*Response to Steve Irwin Post (18)
*Response to Steve Irwin Post (17)
*Response to Steve Irwin Post (16)
*Response to Steve Irwin Post (15)
*Response to Steve Irwin Post (14)
*Response to Steve Irwin Post (13)
*Response to Steve Irwin Post (12)
*Response to Steve Irwin Post (11)
*Response to Steve Irwin Post (10)
*Response to Steve Irwin Post (9)
*Response to Steve Irwin Post (8)
*Response to Steve Irwin Post (7)
*Response to Steve Irwin Post (6)
*Response to Steve Irwin Post (5)
*Response to Steve Irwin Post (4)
*Response to Steve Irwin Post (3)
*Response to Steve Irwin Post (2)
*Response to Steve Irwin Post
*Response to Cure for the Cable Guy (32)
*Response to Cure for the Cable Guy (31)
*Fat Dick
*Evaluate Your Life
*Writing My Standup Material
*Response to Cure for the Cable Guy (30)
*Response to Cure for the Cable Guy (29)
*Jew Bag
*Response to Cure for the Cable Guy (28)
*The Nanzi Party
*What Do You Get For the Guy Who Knows Everything?
*Smarter Than You
*Response to Cure for the Cable Guy (27) Part V
*Response to Cure for the Cable Guy (27) Part IV
*Response to Cure for the Cable Guy (27) Part III
*Response to Cure for the Cable Guy (27) Part II
*Response to Cure for the Cable Guy (27)
*Lack of Intelligence
*Response to Cure for the Cable Guy (26)
*Response to Cure for the Cable Guy (25)
*Response to Cure for the Cable Guy (24)
*General and Obvious
*Ur Ugly
*What is With You?
*The Sexy Rapist
*Get a Life
*Sit-Down Comic
*Paris Hilton
*Or Something
*U Look More Like a Fag
*Arnt Funny
*Are You Seriously Going to Suggest?
*A Room Full of Drunk People
*Response to Cure for the Cable Guy (23)
*Response to Cure for the Cable Guy (22)
*Response to Cure for the Cable Guy (21)
*I Hate You
*I am a Comedian Now
*Off a Pickle
*My Idea of Comedy
*Your Comedy Made Me Cry
*Response to Cure for the Cable Guy (20)
*You Have Red Hair
*Get a Life!!!!!
*You Died
*Bitch Ass Whore
*A Red
*Your Dick Sticks
*I Aint Got Time
*Your Not Funny
*And Your Friends
*More on the Art Debate
*New Jersey
*I am funnier than that
*Wut Kinda Person R U
*Find Another Job
*Pretty Racist
*Just Kill Yourself
*Stupid Gay
*I'll F Your S Up
*You Are Not Funny
*Mr. Hofstetter
*People Named Steve
*The Honest Truth
*Go Bow Your Dad
*Pee Through Your Ears
*Response to Cure for the Cable Guy (19)
*F-in F
*F U
*No Point Intended
*In Your Dream
*Google It
*Google It
*You're Not Dane Cook
*My Dad, The Bouncer
*Put That In One Of Your Jokes
*Your Ugly Ass
*I Hope You Suffer
*Seriously Jewish
*My Boyfriend
*Creepy Racist
*I am a Christian
*Real Bitch
*Broke Back Steve
*Screw U Whore
*Response to Cure for the Cable Guy (18)
*This is Not A Drill
*About the Black People
*City Pencilneck
*Lily Zheng
*Not Looser
*Hello F You
*I Feel Sorry For You
*Sending Me Messages
*Watching the Sun
*Saw You Before
*Response to Cure for the Cable Guy (17)
*Response to Cure for the Cable Guy (16)
*My Asshole When It's Cumming
*Get a Handle On Your MySpace
*Choke on a Cannoli
*The Kidd Chris Show
*Response to Cure for the Cable Guy (15)
*F*** Off Faggot!
*Dave Chappel
*Pot Calling the Kettle a Pot
*The Bloods
*Stick That In Your Pipe
*I'm Drunk
*Eat my shorts
*Not Funny and a Faggot
*Quit F***ing my Sh** up.
*Piss Off Wanker
*F***ing idiot
*Go to Hell!
*Brokeback Mountain
*All You Do is Play Off Race
*Your Ugly!!
*Your F***ing Hatemail
*Get Bent
*A New Profession
*I Bet Your Jokes
*I Think Youer Gay
*Laughed Harder in Surgery
*Your Lame CD
*F***k You
*A Jew and a Pizza
*U'r Gay
*White Piece of Sh**
*Carrot Top
*Ur A Fag
*I'm Not Gay
*Fuk U
*You Suck
*Eat S***
*A Boating Accident
*No Body Likes Liberals
*A Serious Debate About Art
*The Ultimate Hatemail
*All The Best
*No One Is Going To Want That Sh**
*F* Boy
*Rebel Dick
*Jerry Seinfeld and Carlos Mencia
*I Love Vagina
*Red Neck
*Blow Me
*Stop Using MySpace
*Your Big Sleep
*Get Off My Nuts
*Collgege Drop Out
*175K Friends
*Racist Bastard
*Pull The Trigger
*White MoFo
*Get Lost Dirtbag
*Still More Funnel Cakes
*The Return of Funnel Cakes
*Funnel Cakes
*Your Stupid (2)
*Ginger Redhead Queerbag
*I am a Christian Girl
*If I Offended You
*Eat Sh** and Die
*I Took a Dump
*Mamma Funnier
*Bin Laden
*Your Not That Funny Jew
*No Offense
*Fuck Norcal
*Boy Scouts
*Two Guys Walk Into A Bar
*Fag On Your Friends Lists
*Off Top Fade
*Two Dollar Whore
*YOUR A FAG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
*Tasteless, Racist and Offensive
*A Flag Pole
*I Think
*Your Mom's D
*Scuba Steve
*Do Suck D
*Carlos Mencia
*What are you?
*Go to Hell
*Don't Be Gay
*No Jews
*Felt Like Rape
*Gay Ass Jo
*Too Old For MySpace
*Your Hatemail
*I Hate White People
*How Much Hatemail You Get
*Response to Cure for the Cable Guy (14)
*Hahahah Funny
*I Am Also German
*U R A Fagg
*F U Bitch
*F* A* N*
*Dumb Cracker Ass
*California Welcome
*Donky Fart
*Tell Ur Mom
*No Quier Bag
*Richard Simmons
*fu u fag
*Steve Hofstetter
*I Will Be Surprised
*F U
*U F A
*Jokes Pointed Toward Your Hair
*Bucket Baby
*You Are Gay
*Butt Raper
*Viva Mexico
*To Ugly
*F* You B*
*Lots of Gfs
*I Think You're Gay
*Dirty Jew
*Its Offensive
*Really Gay
*Suck a D
*Dane Cook
*That Fruit Sh**
*Response to Cure for the Cable Guy (13)
*Larry the Cable Guy Owns
*Census Bureau
*Your Mother
*F Off N
*Sports Related Jokes
*My Number
*I Don't Go Out Much
*I Hate the Radio
*You Fail At Life
*I'm a Comedian
*Most Offensive Cartoon
*Response to Cure for the Cable Guy (12)
*Kiss Off
*Not Quite Hatemail
*Two Words
*Don't Talk To Me
*Response to Cure for the Cable Guy (11)
*Taco Bell
*Response to Cure for the Cable Guy (10)
*You Could Munch
*Response to Cure for the Cable Guy (9)
*I Don't Care
*U Rape People
*Yoor Gayyyyyyy
*Ur Not?
*Piss Off
*Suck Balls
*F Off!
*My Gooch
*Skinny Ass White Boy
*Exclamation Point
*Problem With Racists
*Matt Darrah
*Stay Inside
*Lame Ass Idiot
*Um, Your Gay
*Bitch Ass
*Response to Cure for the Cable Guy (8)
*Your Ugly
*Yo Bitch Ass
*Ur Gay
*Ur A Stalker
*Child molester
*Response to Cure for the Cable Guy (7)
*Response to Cure for the Cable Guy (6)
*Guess What
*Your Video
*U Look Like
*Your Appearance
*Your Comedy CD
*You Look Like
*Racism Exists
*Yo Are Not Funny
*Response to Cure for the Cable Guy (5)
*Response to Cure For the Cable Guy (4)
*Response to Cure For the Cable Guy (3)
*No Effence
*With My Mom
*Write Something Original
*Anti-Bonds Column
*Ur Skit
*Stop Sending Me Messages
*Who are you?
*No Buddy
*Response to Cure for the Cable Guy (2)
*Response to Cure for the Cable Guy
*You're Suck
*Don't Spam Me
*Jewish People
*Do You Work
*Gay Ass
*Who Would Add You?
*I Believed In You
*Punky Brewster
*Start Workin At Citgo
*I Hate Comedians
*What is Funny
*F You
*Go to Canada
*Comedy Scene
*This Seems Like A Scam
*Youth Soccer
*You Are Not Funny
*Captain Queer
*Go Away And...
*Real Women
*I Assure You
*Mr. F You
*Gettin a Job
*Where You At?
*Slut Bag
*Nice Hair
*I Saw You Before
*Small Wiener
*I Dislike You
*Not a College Student
*Not Funny!
*I Don't Like You
*Racist Drivel
*Haven't Seen You in a While
*Your Picture Spells
*Utter Bull
*I Don't Know
*To Heckle You
*Nice Marketing
*I Don't Even Know You
*I am Betting
*I Am Defriending You
*Really Gay
*Extra Chromosome
*Clever Magee, Yet Again
*You Look Like
*A Popularity Contest
*Not Funny At All
*Drowning Puppies
*I Bet
*Off Steve
*Don't Quit Your Day Job
*You Suck Asshole
*My Last Breath
*With All Due Respect
*Why Would You Even Think
*So Sad
*You Are the Worst Comedian
*Where Is Your Next Show
*You're Raising Money?
*I Ain't Try
*You're a Gay Fag
*You're Not Very Funny
*Clever Magee Strikes Back
*Real Gay People
*Get a Life
*Friend Whore
*F U
*The Return of Clever Magee
*Straight To Hell
*Here's Some Hate Mail
*Don't Steal My Quote
*Leave Everyone Alone
*You Blow
*That Story
*Ass Face
*You Little Bitch
*I'm Out
*F You?
*You Suck Ass
*Not Appropriate For You Audience (Long One)
*Could You Be Any Wordier? (Long One)
*I Won't Answer
*Simple Mathematics
*I Hope You Fail
*The Last Word
*The Dirtiest Hatemail Ever
*Get Run Over
*Get A Life
*Get High Whenever You Read This
*Get Off Your Lazy Ass
*It's Just Too Bad
*Stop Emailing Me
*A Serious Response to a Heckler
*Smiley Face
*What Do You Do All Day?
*Sucked That Many
*Go Away
*Your Stupid
*Friend Starved
*Posting All That Hatemail
*Why Would You Do This?
*Your Aren't Smart
*I Know a Hot Girl
*SPAM Tool
*Get F***ed
*Buy a Life
*How You Became a Comedian
*Eat Sh**
*A Real Job
*Incredibly Large Loser
*You're 26
*I Applaud Your Responces
*Who You And The
*Excuses, Excuses
*One Ugly Human
*Craptacular Work
*You are a Fag
*I Thought You Were a Friend
*F*** You
*Wasting The Last Ten Seconds
*Shame On You
*U Need a Life
*Everyone Close to You
*My Awesome Llama
*I Have Never Heard Of You
*Is That Spelled With an I?
*You Suck at Life
*Do You Also Have a Buddy List
*Suck My...
*You Are Lame
*I Don't Know You
*A Donkey's What?
*Get a F***ing Life
*I MAY Be Absolutely Wasted
*Your Gay
*Square Dude
*Huge Tool
*I'm Funnier Than You
*Ain't My Homey
*You are a Loser
*Make Fun of Me
*Ur Not Funny
*More Seriousness About Blue Collar
*A Serious One About Blue Collar Comedy
*More Hatemail
*What is Your Problem?
*The worst piece of hatemail ever
*A Letter From Frankenstein
*You are Not Funny!
*Not to Be a Dick
*A Real Wanker
*This is retarded.
*U a damn foo
*Big Lieeeeeeeeeeeee
*Worst Human Being On the Planet
*I Hope You Die
*15 Minutes of Fame
*Facebook Is Serious
*The Meaning Of The Word
*The Abortion Debate
*In a Civilized Society
*You Are Worthless
*You Used To Be Funnier
*Get Off The Net
*The Most Stupid Thing
*You're a Fagat
*You're a Douche
*The Anti-Christ