I just, like, happened to hear your interview on some AM station while I was, like, out and about this week and flipping through the dial. Though the content was, like, interesting, I was, like, distressed that you, along with your fellow comedians have, like, adopted (or instigated) the teenage excessive use of, like, like, and it’s no longer funny.
I recently was, like, forced to listen to my teenage son’s friend for a fifteen-minute car ride, and like, I thought it’d be, like, interesting to count how many, like, times he said “like†and was stunned to tally it up as 102 times in fifteen minutes : that’s over 400 times an hour, and, like, I’d hope you’d agree that’s way, like, out of control. It seems that the worst offenders are, like, you comedians (Jim Gaffigan seems to be the worst I’ve heard), so, like, stop it, please. These young kids, like, maybe look up to and admire, like, your guys, so, when, like, you use the words like, like, all the time, then it may be that, like, your legacy will be the, like, decimation of our language and, like, that’d be a pretty, like, bad thing.
If your son's friend's overuse of the word "like" is the worst thing any of your sons friends do, consider yourself blessed as a parent.