My Take on Larry the cable guy.
I think he is funny... I am wondering what your problem with him is? Are you promoting yourself by using his name all the time, or are you trying to make yourself look better by making him look bad?
I don't think I have ever seen a comedian try so hard to make someone else look bad... Are you exactly the same person you were 15 years ago? People change.
Get over yourself
My take is that you haven't read my take. If you did, you'd have seen me address this several times. So, one more time, I'll point out that
comedy attacks, always. Show me comedy that doesn't and I'll show you Reader's Digest.
And I don't fault him for "changing" - I fault him for pretending he's been this way all his life. And I fault you for writing to me asking what my problem is when I've clearly stated it already.