I have never heard anyone so utterly cluless on Illegal Immigration. Why don't you do us all a favor and move to a country that aligns more with your "racist views" of the people that are trying to defend and protect our borders. I wouldn't walk across the street to see one of your "plants" In the audience challenge you on this subject that you know NOTHING about. I guess you could get a job with the obama administration as the "racist against his own AMERICAN PEOPLE czar .... Just a thought ....
Let me see if I understand your premises:
1) You think I'm a good enough actor to pull off an "off the cuff" debate with a plant in the audience.
2) The plant is a good enough actor as well.
3) Comedians make enough $ to hire actors to sit in the crowd.
4) His family that he was there with didn't realize I had paid him (or were also good enough actors not to break character)
5) Because I don't think we should racially profile, I am racist.
6) I know nothing about a subject that I've clearly done tons of research on.
7) You've never heard anyone who knows less about immigration than I do, despite my ability to quote a law that the average American can't even name.
Thoughts, you have given me. A thought grounded in logic, fact, or anything other than knee-jerk anger, I am still waiting for.