I may be in the minority, but I think you and Larry The Cable Guy both suck ass. I mean, Larry just plain sucks. I couldn't give a shit less about his supposed homophobia or racism (Racism? Have you ever heard ANY black comedian that didn't make racism the bulk of his act? But, I digress...), his jokes are on the level of any common 3rd grader on the playground. As soon as America gets sick of the God-awful "GIT-R-DONE" catch phrase, his career is pretty much over.
You on the other hand suck, but in a different way and that is you think you are just so god damned insightful that it's actually at a higher level of thinking. Nothing is worse than an artist that is enamored with his own creations. I don't listen to a comedian, be it you or that overrated hack Bill Hicks, to be preached to or spend a 1/2 hour contemplating life at molecular level. Tell me a joke, clown boy! Juggle! Do a dance! Make me laugh! If I wanted to sit and think about social injustice, I wouldn't pick a smoky, beer soaked bar room as my think tank.
So you want your comedy to be smart, but not make you think. And you want artists to produce art, but you don't want them to be proud of it. And you want me to make you laugh, but you're a self-aggrandizing, contradictory, pseudo-intellectual simp.
I wouldn't want you in my think tank either.