Hi Blood nut,
You may believe you are some sort of Yid but your genetics betray your true heritage and it aint Arabic ( in the majority ) believe me.
I suppose your choice is yours and Judaism is exactly that......your choice.
Really are you that insecure?. go out on a limb and be who you really are....but if you need to grab onto a supposed " winner" culture, go for it.
A black man is just a white man with melanin and a jew is a black man who wants to be white......hence the continuous intermarriage with blonde/ruddish types. I don't blame you but look at the raven beauties that abound in the near East.
Go forth and multiply more white kids asher nazi.
All the years of Hebrew school, my Bar Mitzvah, keeping kosher - I was just pretending to get some Jewish street cred.
You're right - I have spent my whole life faking it to get all the rewards. Jewish have it sooooooo easy, what with the teasing, beating up, and Holocaust.
Praise Jesus,